We’re so glad you’re here.
We could not make a fraction of the impact we are making today without people like you who wish to give of their time or financially partner with us. Below you can find several ways to join with us.
Volunteer Your Time 
We have a variety of rewarding group or individual volunteer opportunities. Based on your skills and interests these opportunities range from caring for our toddlers and tutoring our students, to serving hot Thanksgiving meals, or beautifying one of our sites and many other opportunities in between. Your volunteerism helps our community learn, grow, and lead—at every stage of their life.
Please contact Michele Matott at mmatott@federalhillhouse.org for individual and group/corporate volunteer opportunities.
Community Service Projects
Do you have a group interested in giving back to the community?
We have many options for single time community service projects. Projects include (but are not limited to) painting, landscaping, food distribution, holiday gift wrapping and preparing meals for special events.
Please contact Michele Matott at mmatott@federalhillhouse.org for more details.
Health Coaches/Facilitators
Ever wanted to teach a class on staying healthy and active?
We need volunteers to be trained as group facilitators for our “A Matter of Balance” and “Chronic Disease/Chronic Pain Self Management” classes. Training times vary and classes run through the year.
Please contact Michele Matott at mmatott@federalhillhouse.org if you’d like to get involved or for more information.
Foster Grandparents
Federal Hill House is actively recruiting senior volunteers for the agency’s Foster Grandparents (FGP) program. Income-eligible FGP’s earn a small stipend for up to 20 hours per week working in a local school or day care center.
To learn about the Foster Grandparent Program, please contact Michele Matott at mmatott@federalhillhouse.org.
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers work in our food pantries, obtain training to lead evidence-based health and wellness activities, or volunteer with our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA). They tutor school age children, serve meals to older adults, and can provide transportation for their peers.
To learn about the RSVP Program, please contact Michele Matott at mmatott@federalhillhouse.org.
Join our Board of Directors
We are currently accepting applications for new Board positions.
The Board of Directors meets once a month, on the 3rd Thursday, from 5:00-6:30 pm. We also ask that each Board member serve on a committee and commit to an additional two hours per month.
For more information or to apply to join the Board, please email: Boardnominating@federalhillhouse.org.
Partner with Us Financially
The bulk of funders today want organizations like ours to do more with less. But we want to do more with more. That’s where individual donations and corporate gifts come into play. Unrestricted giving, or even targeted giving to meet a specific need, helps us offer that higher level of service, at a higher quality, that often makes all the difference to our children, families, and elders. It can help us offer a scholarship to the family that struggles to make ends meet but doesn’t qualify for a child care subsidy. It can pay for that extra special field trip at the end of summer camp, or that apple picking field trip in the fall. It can buy us a new van to transport our senior and children, or help us upgrade our playgroup equipment or technology resources. It can pay for our community Thanksgiving dinner or buy gifts for children at holiday time.
When donors trust that we will meet the greatest need with their funds, we are able to be flexible and deliberate with how we use our scarce resources. And sometimes it’s those gifts that can make the greatest impact.
Want to financially partner with us? We always welcome monetary donations for general operating costs or specific programs. Your donations to Federal Hill House help us serve the community through our various programs and events.
Donate Now or mail donations directly to the agency: Federal Hill House, 9 Courtland Street, Providence, RI 02909.
Corporate Sponsorship
Make a lasting change in our community by becoming a Federal Hill House corporate partner. Explore our various corporate partnership packages, which include hosting career mentorship programs, event sponsorship opportunities, and group volunteer projects, to name a few.
Please contact Kimberly Fernandez at (401) 421-4722 for more details.
Host a fundraiser
Do you have an upcoming birthday or wedding? Or a bar/bat mitzvah or charity sporting event?
There are limitless ways to create your own fundraising campaign to make a difference in an individual’s life. We will work closely with you to create your own customized crowdfunding page.