Service Learning & Work-Based Learning

Our teen programs engage young people ages 14 to 24 with service learning, job training, internships, and educational workshops that help prepare them for the future.

Federal Hill House employs up to 80 young people ages 12 to 24 during the summer months through the City of Providence’s Summer Jobs Program and the State’s Real Skills for RI Youth. Youth ages 14 and 15 participate in a six-week Service Learning Program, “ACT” (Achieving Change Together). They identify issues of importance, learn about why and how they exist, and plan ways to address those issues.

Young people ages 16 to 24 are placed in internships within Federal Hill House and at partner agencies throughout our community. They learn important hard and soft skills and valuable lessons in workplace success. Interns take part in weekly educational workshops on topics such as workplace communication, financial literacy, and connecting education and careers. A dedicated coach-mentor supports on the job success through frequent visits to job sites.

During the fall of 2021, FHH launched a Work-Based Learning Program that trains and places young people ages 18-24 in work-based learning settings in child care and youth development programs. During summer 2022, most of our teens in the program interned here at at one of our FHH campuses. A few students also worked at other organizations throughout Providence such as, John Hope Settlement House, Soulita and Fab Living Realty.

For more information, contact Susana Ortega, program manager, at or 401-421-4722.

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